Sunday 14 September 2014

The bridges blog is back ! And such a lot to report, while you think you can slip away for a quiet two weeks. Our structures engineer John has followed the work closely, and there is a lot of new information with which we can provide updates.

For once, I will split the blog postings into bridges, rather than dates. So here is the

Broadway Update: (Bridge 1)

As you no doubt will have heard, Broadway bridge opened on time! A tremendous effort by all concerned and so important for our good relations with the community. But first the finishing touches, before we move on to the piece de la resistance (yes, I was in France...), the re-opening itself.

Ballast retaining wall on the south end.
Two weeks ago,the painters came to touch up the last remaining bits, followed by the brick layers, who did a beautiful job of the new ballast retaining walls at the ends of the decks. The end of the deck now has rain strips fitted, so that the rain water rolls off the end of the deck and over the bricks, instead of back underneath the steel decks as before. Electricians also came to fit conduits and wiring for the new (and larger) road signs.

Removing the steel props from under Broadway bridge.
With the paint and brickwork complete, the contractors were at last able to remove the four props, as can be seen in the picture above. The missing pilaster was also started. This was on the SW corner, and was completely absent. Was it as casualty of the big 1975 collision?
New pilaster on the SW corner.
The pilaster - note the nice plinth headers - is here finished, except for the cap stone, still to be placed.
On Wednesday 3rd September, the new balustrades arrived, a big day!
Craning in the new balustrades

These are entirely new, the old ones being completely eaten away by rust along the bottom edge.
Second section being dropped into place, Evesham side.
Third section being craned in, Broadway side.
Aren't they fabulous? Beautifully painted too.

Talking of fabulous, how about this view of the completely refurbished underside ! Every corroded and bashed beam, deck plate and flange has been replaced, shot blasted and coated with several applications of long lasting paint. A beautiful job.

Then came the long awaited moment - the road was reopened on Monday 7th September, two days early.

And here is the finished product - Broadway bridge, refurbished, and open to traffic - on time !

This isn't quite the end of the job yet, as there are one or two items left to do that were not critical to the reopening - bridge opening items received priority, so that we could respect our engagements.

Concrete haunching added.
This concrete haunching protects the newly built brick ballast retaining walls from from damage during tamping and loco movements.
After this, land drains were laid around the deck ends, to receive the rain water that will run off the deck.

New land drain at the southern end, looking into Broadway station.
Land drain looking down the embankment, Evesham side.
By the end of the week, and with the bridge already open, the end of the deck concrete haunching was completed. Land drains down embankments were in place and the site at ends of bridge tidied up. All that now remains to be done at Broadway is the pilaster capping stone to fit, and then the waterproofing to be put over the steel deck.We are ready for some rails !

Reports on the other bridges are in hand and will be posted on Monday. We have not stood still...


  1. You're back!! Yaaaahhhhh!!!! :-)


  2. You are too kind, Sire!
    More news on the other bridges shortly.
